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Before you go any further, there's a few things you should know.


I can be a bit...strange at times.




Probably more than a bit.

I have a super power.

I believe in scientific method.

I have too many boardgames.

I like to work late at night.

I'm not one for convention.

I post photography on Instagram.

I am very passionate about my work.

I meditate every day.

Most of all I want a better world.

And I'm tired of waiting.


I can type really fast.

And I believe in magic.

I always have enough beer in the fridge. 

Sometimes you gotta see things through to the finish.

I'm left-handed, which explains a lot. 

I post poetry on Instagram.

That gets in me in less trouble than it used to.

I listen to lots of hardstyle music too.

Everyone could use a bit more of that in their life.

So I'm working to change that too.

I'm a pure slasher conceptual inventor.

All of my best ideas are purely conceptual, models about how to bring groups of people together around stories. I take a few of these ideas/models through their experimental stages, putting the theory into practice. Each iteration builds off the previous, moulding into the new story-space I find myself in in that moment.


That means along the way I am doing lots of engineering: 


I make interactive games and stories in Twine.

I make data analysis tools with Python.

I manage databases with MongoDB.

I make graphic designs in Canva. 

I make podcasts with Audacity.
I make music with Ableton. 

I make movies, live shows, and author big chunks of text. 

I use AI pretty much every day.

I draw, I sketch, and I doodle.


I wouldn't say I do any of these things particularly great,
but I'm good enough to have been paid to do all of them.


I am a prototyper.

I use a lot of tape in my work. 

It always holds.


Most of the time.

No, I'm serious! 

Like 9 out of 10 times it works!

That's really good for prototypes.


I like to use film because it's imperfect.

I like to watch independent movies about people having tea.

I like American football and American BBQ.


I can be too much.

But I'll never give up,

trying to change something.




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